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Our faculty members are actively engaged in collaborative, interdisciplinary research that addresses pressing social issues and contributes to the development of law and policy across Canada and around the world.

our Leading Research Institutes

Our research institutes are incubators for new approaches to how law can best address complex problems in a fast-changing world.

Dalhousie Health Justice Institute

The Dalhousie Health Justice Institute (DHJI) is an interdisciplinary institute that brings together the law school and the Faculties of Medicine, Health, and Dentistry. The institute is committed to the advancement of health law and policy and the improvement of health care practice and health systems through scholarly analysis, professional education, and public service. Schulich Law offers the first and only health law and policy specialization for JD students in Canada and welcomes graduate students from across the country and around the globe.

Law and Technology Institute

The Law & Technology Institute (LATI) aims to promote legal research, education, and leadership in technology law and policy, particularly from a Canadian perspective. In that mission, they seek to enhance public awareness and understanding of the legal, policy, and ethical challenges posed by existing and emerging technologies; inform and guide Canadian public policy; and encourage inter-disciplinary problem-solving, teaching, and research.

Marine & Environmental Law Institute

The Marine & Environmental Law Institute (MELAW) is internationally recognized for excellence in marine and environmental law teaching and research, with one of the world’s most extensive academic course offerings in these areas. Students have a unique opportunity to learn about public and private law practice in marine (with special emphasis on law of the sea and shipping) and environmental (including climate) law taught from domestic and international perspectives with attention to cross-cutting human rights concerns, notably Indigenous rights.

In addition to the Institute’s scholarly research and publication activities, MELAW faculty and associates carry out research projects and provide advisory services to agencies of the United Nations and regional organizations and assist government departments and non-governmental organizations in Canada and internationally.

The Restorative Research, Innovation and Education Lab

The Health Law Institute is the national leader in health law and policy research in The Restorative Research, Innovation, and Education Lab is home to world-leading expertise in a restorative approach and restorative justice, bringing cutting-edge knowledge into action in real time to generate social change. Through an extensive network of researchers, partners, and communities, the Lab provides incubation space and support to projects and initiatives which aim to transform how justice looks and feels.

Collaborating with partners around the world, the Restorative Lab supports the innovation and application of a restorative approach to tackle complex problems and realize just and sustainable communities.